Friday, October 22, 2010

So you know that previous post where we said we weren't going to find out the sex of this baby. Well, that didn't work out for us.
We had our ultrasound today. I will admit that as the time has been approaching, my will power has been fading. Maybe it's because of all the cute material at JoAnns and my desire to sew something for this baby. Maybe it was because I just wanted to confirm my inclination. Anyway you look at it, I wanted to know. I knew it was going to take the will power of Ryan to see me through the ultrasound, so while out in the waiting room I confessed my desire to know. He was of course shocked, because after all, this was MY idea to keep it a secret. I was the one that had to convince him that I thought this was a good idea.
So after this two minute conversation that we had in the waiting room, they called us back. I laid down on the table and the first question out of the ultrasound techs mouth, "Are we finding out the sex of this baby?" We both sat there for a moment in silence, and then Ryan says, "I am SUPPOSE to tell you NO!" I then explained to her my dilemma. She then said, "well, why don't I take all the boring pictures first, and then you can decide." Good idea...that will give me more time to contemplate. Well, she put the wand on my belly to find baby and I was pretty sure I saw a good gender pic. She kind of confirmed my suspicion because she moved that wand away pretty fast. I didn't say anything.
She took all the boring pics..placenta, cervix, etc.
She then moves onto baby. Since being in nursing school and being freaked out at all the things that can possibly go wrong in utero, I had lots of questions. I wanted to see everything she was measuring because everything being measured it to ultimately to rule out possible complications. It came time for her to measure the femur bone, and while doing so, this little one pulled the legs up, exposing the gender. I saw it and I KNEW this time I saw it. The ultrasound tech said to me, "Did you see that?" and I said yes I did. I then turned to Ryan and said, "I know what this baby is. Do you want to know?" He sat there in silence, and then I answered for him, "yes he wants to know." The ultrasound tech then announced, "IT'S A GIRL!
We are excited...Ryan said he grew a few more white hairs...I told him we already have one sweet girl, two will be even better! You know who I think needs another girl in his life more than anyone...TREVOR. He's going to have to learn that girls are okay, in fact, we're amazing :-)


Cameron said...


Reynolds Family said...

Congrats! You'd better get sewing:)

Amanda said...


Unknown said...

I knew it. congrats.

Dennis and Anita said...

So,I guess we can change the name to Baby Earline! We are thinking pink!

Barb Zinn said...

I am so excited for your family! It is going to be a grand event. As I told I can see Kayla taking charge of this beautiful little sister and she will make her "girlie girlie"! (just like you did with Amanda :) ! !!) Trevor, well this is a lesson in life he will learn......GIRLS RULE!! I think he will be a wonderful big brother and will be Gentle Ben with her! I am EXCITED!!